Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Spending time with God 1st in the morning….

Recently I’ve been practising a habit that is to wake up at around 6+ in the morning to spend time with God.

Mark 1:35 - “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

I want to learn from Jesus, It’s a real challenge to me as I love to snooze the clock until I’m going to be late then I’ll wake up and leave the house and the timing it’s just nice one. (I mean most people do that right? or am I the only one??)

So if I have stomach-ache then I’ll be late. BUT I believe by spending time with God early in the day, we are more aware of the Lord's working in our lives. We sense His protection and wise advice when the enemy attacks. We sense His graciousness and kindness in the beauty of creation. We sense His forgiveness when we stumble and repent. We're more aware of His loving hand, everywhere.

Just to share the blessing that I’ll received after I’ve picked up this habit like just 2 days ago

- Company bus now pick me up below my house (Save money, Save time, save energy to walk)

- Prayer answered (ask me in person if you want to know)

With just 2 days I’m been bless with so much things, I really believe more is to come when you place him 1st.

The link shows us in the bible about early rising:

Let’s start spending time with God in the morning ya? Will be hearing testi from you soon =D

With love,
Wei Cai